This singing lumberjack follows the golden rule so of course he’ll rescue little critters but... can he find them all?  Sing, swing, and sling apples as you investigate. A= sing high,  S= sing low, D= chop, F= throw apples, Left and Right arrows to move, Up or space bar to jump.

Can you solve the puzzle?  Can you find all the critters and save them the "right" way?  Singing a high note (by pressing "A") close to the glass will shatter the glass. Watch out for nasty piggies. There is no penalty for dying, so try try again. See spoilers below if you want to know exactly what to do so you can just run through the game and check it out quickly :D

  • The pig boss let's you know if you win or lose (red "try again" message is losing, green "good job" message is winning ;p)
  • Press A to sing high,  S to sing low, D to chop, F to throw apples. Left and Right arrows to move. Up or space bar to jump.
  • If you fall in a hole or walk into a piggie, you die (try again)
  • You can jump on piggie heads, throw apples at them, or chop them with your axe.
  • Singing a high note will paralyze piggies while you hold the note (lasts ~8 seconds max).
  • Singing a low note will vibrate (move) the apple crate box.

Have fun and be kind!


There are 3 critters to be found and saved -Get close to the glass while pressing "A" to "Free" them.

You will need the box at the top of the map to solve the puzzle the "right" way. Take a leap of faith at the right slanted tree to get to the box platform

You move the box by pressing and holding  "S" to vibrate it along. Holding a high note ("A" button)  simultaneously allows you to move it more quickly

EXTRA EXTRA SPOILERS (exactly how to beat the game the right way - don't read if you want to figure it out for yourself and look here if you have trouble :D )

Treat others how you want to be treated, so don't hurt the innocent vines, spiders or wild animal or you will get a "try again" message from the pig boss. You must use the box to free the critters without harming the innocents. You must do this in the right order to be able to use the box all three times

Correct order to free critters with box:

First move the box right to drop it down and position it under the platform to reach the door. Move the cage (also by pressing "S" for low note) to the left and drop it onto the animal to be able to get around it and save the critter.

Then go back up to where you left the box ( under the 1st door platform) and move it to the left under the critter by the spiders, if you  put it between the two slanted trees you can jump through the platform and pop up under the critter without having to get through the spiders.  

Then hop up to the platform above the critter and drop back down on the right to get back to the box. This time push it to the right and drop it down to the platform near the first critter that was blocked by vines. You can now use the box to make the jump up to that critter to save it from this side that doesn't have any vines.

Music and voice overs were made by us. Sound effects were found free online.

All the art work and animations were made by us except for the glass. That was a material from a free asset :)


Sometimes when you die, your body is floating

Piggies don't turn around when hitting walls/each other/the apple crate box

You can press and release (and potentially spam) the jump button for a super high jump

The jump animation is way off (well, and we should have a "jumping down" animation, for when you fall off platforms etc ;p)

 If you go see the pig boss without saving the critters (or not saving them the "right way") and THEN try again and save them all the right way he still kills you :D you will see the correct YOU WIN green message though. If you complete the game the "right way" the first time (and never see the pig boss with a "try again" message - then he won't kill you LOL

What I didn't have time to add:

  • apple collecting - you can only throw apples you have collected. vibrate them off the trees or chop down the trees to get them faster
  • an actual pig boss battle!
  • a health bar so you can get hit more than once!!!! (also would have DEFINITELY been needed for a boss battle.)

What was supposed to happen:

When you get to the pig boss:

  •  each critter you helped would help you fight by throwing apples 
  • Anything you killed would be there fighting against you - pigs, vines, spiders,  the wild animal (yeah that is a lot to fight!!! so it would be best not to kill things)
  • If you chopped down trees for apples then you would not have apples to throw during the fight (which would be near impossible since the pig boss is really too difficult to defeat with only melee attacks)


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